Meet the team

Aubrey Schüpbach

Aubrey's mission is to inspire you to believe that you are enough in this world. Aubrey found yoga at a pivotal moment in life. Helping her to decide to repeat what was known or dive into the deep unknown. With the support from community, Aubrey has consciously chosen to create every aspect of her life. From a young age, she felt the power of movement. After years of overcoming a weight-loss journey, she knows that everything is possible - and loves helping you evolve into your highest, most authentic self.

In partnership with Art, Aubrey curates profound community experiences for people to gather, feel seen, valued, and unlock aspects of who they are. A true self-healer, she doesn't ask anyone to do what she hasn't done. Together they have created transformative 200hr Yoga Teacher Trainings, Continuing Educations, Purposeful Workshops and Retreats.

Aubrey is finishing up her degree in Social Work, and is a multifaceted teacher. She's a 500-RYT and trauma-informed, certified Meditation + Breath-work coach. Practicing over 14 years, 2500 teaching hours and a life-long student.

Expect to be playful, try new things, challenged but empowered. You'll leave remembering how whole you are.

“True healing comes from conscious, open and safe relationships. We can be that for each other.”


Art Schüpbach

Art’s mission is to inspire others to realize their enormous potential for greatness. In searching for his own purpose he reinvented himself completely. He enjoys yoga, meditation, anything creative, hiking, biking, swimming, surfing and rock climbing. In partnership with his wife Aubrey, he organizes and plans most of the adventures for Zion Retreats.

Art is trained in environmental science and sustainability, so you are sure to learn a lot about nature and the planet on our retreats. He is an ERYT - 200 level yoga instructor, Yoga Nidra Meditation Coach and Forest Bathing Guide with over 1,900+ hours of yoga instruction taught since being certified in 2016.

Art’s classes are challenging but inspiring and loving. You will leave with a good sweat possibly mixed with a few happy tears.

“The journey of your life should be handwritten by YOU and no one else. Go out and live it.”
